Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day 16- Southern comfort

Saturday April 16th 2011
Nashville, Tennessee

Well I can't even begin to explain today properly, but let me give this a shot!  And the video is just from when I pulled over in the storm.

I woke up today to the sound of a James Bond style alarm, Ben needed to be taken to the airport and his alarm is really loud and really scary.  I dropped him off at 7:15 and was on my way to Memphis to have a coffee, a much needed coffee at that early hour in the day.  Last night before I went to sleep I decided to do a quick little search into Apple stores along my route home.  Memphis happened to have one, and I figured out that I would be there just as it was about to open, which makes getting to the front of the service queue.  After 30 minutes my trusty laptop has got its legs back and is working again.  Let me just put in a quick plug for Apple, I walked in to a store over 5000km from home with no appointment and walked out 30 minutes later free of charge with a problem solved.

Nashville how I love you, it is just such a great place!! Country music, Nashville Predators, T-swift (one day I will take her to dinner mark my words!) and souther hospitality.  I started out my Nashville afternoon by wandering around Centennial Park and going to the Parthenon, which is a life size model of the original Parthenon only in Nashville and not destroyed.  After that I decided I should check in and see if anybody had replied to my postings looking for a bed to call mine tonight.  Nothing, so slightly discouraged I hit UrbanSpoon up and started figuring out the most important thing, finding a place to eat.  I was just around the corner from a place called Rotier's Restaurant, and by every single review I read I was sure I needed to go there.  As I walked up and saw the line going out the door my instinct told me this place must be good, so in I went and put my name down on the long list, I was number 18 at the time.

As I waited an older gentleman looked at me and asked where I was from, we got to talking and he asked why somebody from Vancouver was at Rotier's.  After I explained that it had amazing reviews and that I loved finding places like that he started telling everybody in his party about me and why I was there.  Conversation died and his table was ready, just as he was walking away he turned and said "well you are joining us now you know"  Long story short I had one of the most amazing dinners I have ever had, Mr. Johnson is a Dairy Farmer, and I am sorry I didn't get all the names, but there was a Principal, an architect, two former bankers, a bailiff and a woman who to my understanding sells...implants.  2 hours passed and we were walking up to the front to settle up when he leans over and says that there is no way I'm being allowed to pay.  I met the owner of the restaurant and it was the most unbelievable hospitality I have ever experience from complete strangers.   So thank you so much!

Also on the note of thanking people, Ben posted my blog on his site today.  12 hours later I have had over 1,000 hits.  I know that is nothing in the world of blogs, but cool!  So thanks Ben.

Song of the day - California Stars - Billy Bragg and Wilco.

Joshua Tree!

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